October 2020      

Welcome to the latest edition of BRCGS News featuring the latest updates on activities and resources created to support your site operations.

In this issue...
Brands support new BRCGS Audit options
Brands have welcomed our new audit solutions and have accepted that that in cases where a site cannot have a physical audit and their extended certificate is about to expire, then a remote audit will be accepted. 

Aldi to use BRCGS Professional to develop skills of staff & suppliers
Aldi joins Waitrose in signing up to be an ambassador of the BRCGS Professional learning and development programme as part of its commitment to quality and safety. 

Food Safety Europe 2021 - 28 January
Our virtual conference will deliver invaluable insights and high-level, constructive knowledge share, designed specifically to improve food safety management in retail, food service and manufacturing environments. 

Storage & Distribution Standard Issue 4 launches next week
We are grateful to HelloFresh, McDonalds, BidFood, Versacold, the Billington Group, Sysco, RLS Logistics, The British Frozen Food Federation, the Cold Chain Federation and the Culina Group for sending us their messages to celebrate the launch. 

Ethical Trade & Responsible Sourcing Issue 2 coming soon
Following acceptance for benchmarking against the Consumer Goods Forum’s SSCI, our Global Standard for Ethical Trade & Responsible Sourcing is now formally “in process” and will be launched in November 2020. 

Conquering six of the top frustrations currently facing Food Manufacturers
As many food and beverage manufacturers approach peak production season, Klipspringer have identified six of the most common challenges which site leadership and compliance teams are facing right now – with Covid-19 thrown into the mix.
  • Preventing Coronavirus outbreaks in factory areas where social distancing between workers is not possible.
  • Maintaining effective communication and team morale despite social distancing.
  • Training and managing additional temporary/agency staff, particularly where site procedures are regularly being updated to conform to latest Government guidelines.
  • Minimising risks associated with shared equipment items and utensils which are used by multiple operatives or across multiple departments.
  • Increasing shift changeover efficiency to allow longer production runs, without compromising hygiene washdown time.
  • Facilitating new or temporary product runs which involve additional allergens or species.
While the challenges faced by meat processing plants have particularly been in the limelight recently, largely due to Covid, there is a great deal of common ground in the problems faced by all types of food and beverage manufacturers – from bakeries to dairy processors.

Working with over 2,500 leading food and beverage sites throughout the UK & Ireland, Klipspringer’s experienced NPD team are continually adding to their innovative range of industry favourites.  This has included recently developing solutions to alleviate the top six challenges listed above, with many of these products already being used across hundreds of factories. 

As Christmas approaches, with many manufacturers facing end-of-year production highs, Klipspringer’s latest innovations are expected to become even more relevant - Read more here 

Disinfect Covid-19 in just one minute!
Control the spread of infection with BioShift UV-C disinfection chambers.
New from GG Lighting Solutions. 
For more information on how certificated sites can benefit visit their website

· Shared hand held devices & scanners
· Shared hand tools
· Mobile phones
· Shoes

· Personal belongings

· 99.99% (Log 4) 

BRCGS, Floor 2, 7 Harp Lane, London, EC3R 6DP, United Kingdom
Registered Company Number 04281617​​